Check LLPIN Number Status

A Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN) is a unique 7-digit code assigned to LLPs in India. It serves as an identity marker, providing essential information such as the LLP’s incorporation details like name, capital and register office. Keeping your LLPIN status updated is crucial for maintaining compliance with regulatory bodies. Third parties may want to check the status of the LLP before doing business with them. Learn how to do your LLP number search for obtaining details by using LLPIN.

What is a LLPIN Number?

The LLPIN, or Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number, is a 7-digit unique identification code for every LLP in India upon its incorporation. This unique number is allotted by the Ministry of Corporate and it works the same way as a CIN. The LLPIN code acts as the legal identifier of an LLP throughout its lifecycle.

LLPIN is an essential code that helps in maintaining the LLP’S compliance with regulatory authorities. In order to perform legal operations every LLP must have LLPIN. Also for filing important documents such as financial statements, tax returns, and any changes in the LLP’s structure or partners, etc, LLPIN is required.

Check Your LLPIN Status

For LLPIN status or LLPIN number search, insert your LLPIN number and you will get all the related information related to your LLPIN. Remember your details are handled with utmost security on our platform. We do not use your details for any purpose other than LLPIN number verification. We ensure there is no unauthorized sharing or misuse of your data. You can confidently access our services knowing your privacy is fully protected.

Search LLP Details

Importance of LLPIN

There is a certain importance of LLPIN for companies incorporated in India. They are as follows:

  • Unique Identity: LLPIN provides a unique alphanumeric code to each company incorporated in India and helps to create a unique identity. It reduces the chance of confusion by providing different codes to each company, even those with similar names.
  • Regulatory Compliances: LLPIN code is required to fulfill various compliances. In order to fulfill these compliances LLP code is required. These compliances include letterhead, notices, annual reports, receipts, invoices, and many more.
  • Company Information: Obtaining a LLPIN for your company with ROC helps them to gather the details of your company. It is usually required to maintain the records.
  • Transparency: LLPIN helps to maintain transparency by enabling regulatory bodies, stakeholders, and the public to access the company’s important data.
  • Track Record: By providing a unique code to each company, helps anyone to track company’s filings, compliance status, and legal standing with authorities, which is essential for investors, partners, and other stakeholders.

Common Errors to Avoid

There are certain common errors happens in most of the cases during LLPIN Number Check and they are:

  1. Incorrect or Incomplete Information: While LLPIN number check, always ensure to submit the complete and correct information. Slight spelling errors or punctuation mistakes can lead to unsuccessful search.
  2. Delay in Updating Information: If a company has undergone any changes either its name change, or any other, then the LLPIN search tool will show the updated data only if you have updated the information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

For LLP number check you have to visit the MCA official website.

You can check company details by entering your LLPIN Number in the tracking option.

A LLP Identification Number is a 7-digit alphanumeric code issued to Limitied Liability Partner incorporated in India.

You can access date of incorporation, Current status (active, under processing, or struck off), registered office address, names of designated partners, etc, through llp number search.