
A Health Certificate for the Export of Food Products is one of the most important documents required by companies exporting food products. It acts as a pass to confirm that your food is fit for human consumption and meets the appropriate standards of the country of import. Provided by government bodies such as the Export Inspection Council of India (EIC), they act as a pass to the global trade gate. It may be challenging, but following the process to acquire a Health Certificate is vital to guarantee the quality of food to consumers around the globe. Feel free to contact BizFoc for help with Health Certificates as we will ensure that we help you understand the detailed process.

What is a Health Certificate for Export?

A health certificate is one of the export documents that is vital in the food business. It declares that food is safe for human consumption and fulfills the safety standards and requirements of the importing country. Branded by the government of India’s departments like the Export Inspection Council of India (EIC), it guarantees that food has been processed in a clean environment, is safe to consume, and is free from any form of Hygiene. This certificate helps in the clearance of food through customs without hindrance and acts as a guarantee that the food product will be accepted in other countries.

Why is a Health Certificate for Export Important?

A Health Certificate for food export is crucial for several reasons, some of which are listed below:

  • Consumer Safety: It also results in the importing country having information to do with the safety of the food to help enhance the health standards of the people.
  • Trade Facilitation: This hastens the entry by assessing the consistency of the products regarding the local import laws.
  • Market Access: It accumulates the degree of confidence of the buyers in the exporter thus improving the exporter’s reputation and chance in the market.
  • Legal Compliance: It serves food safety legal necessities to ensure that the business does not encounter legal suits and penalties.
  • Risk Mitigation: Those relayed risks reduce the likelihood of the product being rejected or recalled, a move that is economically unproductive to the exporter.

Benefits of Health Certificate for Export

A Health Certificate offers several advantages for food exporters. The following are the major benefits of the Health Certificate to food exporters:

  • Enhanced Market Access: They assist in the opening of new markets since it demonstrates that the business complies with the high standard of food hygiene that has been put in place.
  • Faster Customs Clearance: This is because a valid certificate that the importer gives helps to minimize the time that it takes for clearance at the customs of the importing country.
  • Brand Reputation: This assures the exporter and the products being exported in the market to the real users.
  • Risk Mitigation: Reducing the frequency of our products being rejected from the market, recalled, or facing legal hurdles.
  • Competitive Advantage: It helps in focusing the exporter's mind as it instantly brings up a marketing proposition and is linked to food hygiene.
  • Consumer Confidence: This develops an attitude in the consumers’ mind in the importation country making them have confidence that the particular product they are using is safe to use.
  • Trade Facilitation: Simplifying the export process and also cutting the expenses commonly connected with the exportation process.

Basis of Issuance of Health Certificate

A Health Certificate will be issued to shipments that fulfill the following criteria:

  • The responses of the importing country and its regulations needed to be fully complied with.
  • Compliance with relevant standards of the country.
  • Fulfillment of buyer-specific requirements.

This certificate is mandatory for the following trade categories:

  • The applicants export fish and collagen, and the EU approves and approves the seafood processing establishments.
  • European Union Seafood is processed for export to Russia, China, Iran, and all other countries outside the European Union whether processed by EU or Third country approved seafood processing facilities.
  • Animal casings in raw form imported from processing plants are eligible for export to the European Union.
  • European Union or Malaysia-bound peanut products.
  • All those products contain labels that disapprove of them as genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  • The food item is involved in the processing and exportation of foodstuffs under a voluntary food certification scheme.

FSSAI Notification for Health Certificate for Export

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI food license) strengthens food safety by introducing the mandatory health certificate for imported products. As per its mandate of “Promoting and regulating food safety and standards of food products manufactured, processed, traded, distributed, sold, and imported for human consumption in the country”, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) issued the newly emerging regulation.

It must be noted that according to the FSSAI’s order F. No. 1829/Health Certificate/FSSAI/Imports/2021, certain forms of food imported require a Health Certificate and these are effective from August 3rd, 2022. This certificate assumes the function of guaranteeing the product’s safety for human consumption and the absence of potentially dangerous components.

Required Documents for Health Certificate for Export

The actual documents for the Health Certificate for Export of Food Products depend on the country of origin, type of food exported, and the import laws of the country to which the food products are being exported. However, some common documents include:

  • Application form: Finished and forwarded to the concerned issuing body, normally the Export Inspection Council or any such organization.
  • Invoice and Copy of Purchase Order: The business-specific and particular information regarding the exported goods.
  • Letter of credit: Commercial risk for the transaction concerning an assurance that the necessary monetary amount would be available.
  • Test report of Food Products: Meant for export if it has been reported by EIA labs or approved EIC labs.
  • Test report from the EIA-approved unit: This means that it is held based on the standards of importing countries or National Standards as the case may be.
  • IEC code certificate: Import-Export Code of the exporter as per the norms of the export control.
  • FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) license: Documents that guarantee compliance with local standards of food safety requirements.
  • Contractual specifications: Contract between the importer and exporter.
  • Bank draft of the prescribed fee
  • Proof of payment: Fees for the Health Certificate and any related services.

Note: It's essential to consult the specific guidelines of the exporting and importing countries to ensure compliance with all requirements.

Stepwise Procedure for Health Certificate for Export

Step 1: Identify Regulatory Requirements

It is relevant to know the health and safety standards and norms that are expected in the importing country. Every country has its legal regulations that dictate such aspects as quality, labeling, and the packaging of the product.

Step 2: Apply for Inspection

To get food safety training carried out on your facility, and products, consider contacting the appropriate health department or the food safety agency in your country to book an appointment. This is to prescribe to both the national and international set standards.

Step 3: Document Submission

After completing the production of the products, one has to prepare requisite documents such as product specification sheets, a list of ingredients used, production process descriptions, and test reports. This may also refer to documents such as certification of GMP and HACCP among other relevant standards and procedures.

Step 4: Inspection and Testing

An official inspector will pay a visit to your factory, and storage and evaluate the general cleanliness of your factory as well as the methods used in production. They may also collect samples of products to take them to the laboratory to confirm the safety and quality of the products produced.

Step 5: Certificate Issuance

Depending on the specific rules, if the product complies with all the necessary standards and the check (if necessary) is successful, the Health Certificate will be awarded. The period for such a process can range between several days and several weeks depending on the nature of the product and the performance level of the issuing authority.

Step 6: Certificate Verification

Some important importing countries may ask for verification on the Health Certificate. You may have to furnish further information and/or documentation to the importing authorities.

Note: This may be a conscious decision based on underlying factors such as the country of export, the type of food, and the rules of importation of the food product in the target country.

Application Fee Details for Health Certificate for Exporters

The fee for obtaining the Health certificate from the EIC is tabulated here:

Sl.No FOB value in Rs Application Fee Details
1 Up to 5 lakh 1500
2 Above 5 lakh and up to 10 lakh 2500
3 Above 10 lakh and up to 25 lakh 5500
4 Above 25 and below 40 lakh 7500
5 Above 40 lakh 8000

An amount of Rs.10 per M.T. will be charged for Agricultural Bulk Commodities for issuance of Health Certificate subject to a minimum of Rs. 2500 per consignment. Health certificates will be issued based on the test report submitted by the exporter.

Common Requirements for Health Certificates

The requirements for Health Certificates vary by country and food product. However, there are some common requirements that exporters must comply with. These include:

  • Identification of the exporters and importers.
  • Description and quantity of the food product.
  • Evidence of compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Results of laboratory tests for contaminants, pesticides, and other substances.
  • Certification of production processes and facilities.
  • Details of the inspection and certification process.


Getting a Health Certificate is undoubtedly a crucial process for food exporters who are targeting to export food products to different countries in the world. It protects the health of the consumers, helps in business transactions, and improves your business image. The process, though, is not very straightforward and can take time at times. BizFoc provides end-to-end solutions to ensure that you can leave all your Health Certificate woes to us while you concentrate on your business development. So, let professionals manage documents and focus on providing consumers with tasty and healthy food products. For professional advice and convenient Health Certificate services, clients can get in touch with BizFoc right now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Health Certificates for Export

An export health certificate is a legal document that affirms that particular food items fit the conditions of health and safety in the country of destination.

The Export Inspection Council (EIC) of India provides the Export Health Certificate that hitherto food exporting firms in India are required to export food items to other countries.

As for the food industry, it confirms the compliance of the products with the requirements of sanitary and epidemic well-being, as well as safe export.

The period of validity of an Export Health Certificate depends on the country and the product which may be a few days to several months as per the regulation.


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